Wednesday, Thursday
Friday & Saturday
January 8th, 9th 10th & 11th
8:00 to 2:00
2635 Gables Drive
Eustis Florida
Oil Lamps, all sizes
Gone with the Wind Style Lamps
Grandfather Clock
Neoclassical Chairs
Antique Buffet Cabinets
Gate Leg Table
Sofa and Matching Wing Back Chair
Antique Fireplace Mantle
Leather Wing Back Chairs
(Burgundy Set)
Jewelry Cabinets,
Jewelry Storage Mirror
Costume Jewelry
Indian Art and Collectibles
Brass Horses
Painted Horses
Quilts, Painted Trunk
Wash Stand
Barrister Book Cases
Roll Top Desk
Paper Craft Supplies
Christmas Items and Decor
Kitchen FULL
Wicker Bench
Outdoor Storage
Bistro Set
Small Freezers
Garage FULL